September usually signals the return of routines and regulated calendars. After a sort of freelancing through the summer, now we find ourselves doing what is expected or demanded by someone else. Alarm clocks are set and so exact and annoying. Meetings, appointments, committees, to- do lists, schedules, all require memory, time and commitment. Even Church wants a piece of us. No, that is not true. Church, or God, that is, wants ALL of us. Oh dear, how can that happen?
Although I certainly do not claim perfection at this, I have found that if I begin each morning with, “Good Morning, God and thank you for another day”, this sets my mind and my feet in the right direction. If I can remember that I encountered the Divine before my feet hit the floor I am more likely to seek guidance, protection, and grace in each of the many things I do throughout the busy day. Jesus said, “Seek and ye shall find” and “Ask in my name and it shall be given to you.”
What can be given includes patience and calm when dealing with difficult people or frustrating situations beyond our control. It includes finding the right words to bring peace among conflicting factions and comfort to hurting colleagues. God does want ALL of us and God will provide ALL we need to meet the challenges and the obstacles of our lives – if we remember to invite Jesus to walk with us and be with us in all we are and do.
May your Fall be productive, fulfilling, a season of surprises and enrichment. And may you go with God every step of the way.
Deacons on the Border Update - Last month I wrote about the situation of migrating women and unaccompanied children on the Texas/Mexico border. Several deacons from our diocese went to McAllen and were the guests of St. John’s Episcopal Church. Sleeping on their own air mattresses, working at the huge food and clothing warehouses, eating common meals and sharing morning and/or evening worship around the table, they served hundreds of children.
They posted many pictures on Facebook, which told the story of their generous mission. Their various parishes collected items needed for survival and the churches and volunteers in McAllen joined the women to make the mission work. If you wish to see some of this work, check out the diocesan web site,, or the FB page of Pat Ritter Richie, Glennda Hardin, or Wanda Cuniff (all deacons).