Visiting St. Andrew's


Location & Parking

We are centrally located in the heart of the historic Heights neighborhood at 1819 Heights Boulevard and easily accessible from several major freeways. Enter our parking lot on 19th Street between Yale Street and Heights Boulevard, and access the church through the canopied entrance. Ample street parking is also available.


Ushers and greeters are available at all entrances to welcome you immediately prior to a service. They provide directions, information and distribute service bulletins. If you have any special needs, please let us know so that appropriate accommodations can be made.

Nursery for Young Children

Nursery care is offered on Sunday mornings for children from infancy through 3 years old from 8:15 AM until 12:15 PM. Our professional caregivers provide a safe and caring environment to nurture our youngest children, have been trained in safe ministry practices, and passed reference and background checks. Along with an age-appropriate classroom, we provide Seasons of the Spirit Bible stories and activities for toddlers. Care is also provided at some special services and events.

Worshiping with Us

Our worship services are interactive and participatory. Everything needed can be found in the service bulletin or the Hymnal, located in the pews. The service bulletin offers a detailed guide to each service. If you do not receive one from an usher/greeter, you can find one at any church entrance. Please do not be concerned if you don't know exactly what to do—just do what feels comfortable. And if you have questions, those seated near you are happy to assist. We offer a Saturday Service at 5:30 PM and Sunday services at 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM along with Rhythms of Grace, a service for individuals of all abilities, at 2:30 PM. Visit our Services page for more details.

Visitor Cards

Visitor Cards can be found in each pew. We hope that you will complete one and place it in the collection plate during the Offertory or give it to an usher/greeter when you leave. By doing so, you can receive parish communications so that you can learn more about St. Andrew’s.

After the Service

Coffee Time is held in the Parish Hall immediately following our Sunday services. This is a great place to meet parishioners and learn a bit more about St. Andrew's.

Learn More

You can find out about upcoming events and activities at St. Andrew's on our website and on Facebook or Instagram. Or, download the St. Andrew's Episcopal Houston app for an easy way to know what's happening when - available for Apple and Android devices.