Make a Pledge to our 2025 Stewardship Campaign
In a world of uncertainty, we are blessed to find hope for the future in God and in our parish, and it’s up to each of us to be good stewards of that future. Your pledge helps us form a firm foundation. You may make your pledge online.
Make a Pledge to our Capital Campaign
St. Andrew’s Capital Campaign started March 1, 2022 and goes until July 1, 2027. We are so excited about all the changes to come at St. Andrew’s. If you would like to make a pledge or increase your pledge, please reach out to Carrie Conti at 713-861-5596.
Give Altar Flowers
Celebrate a special occasion, honor or remember loved ones, or simply give to the glory of God by underwriting the cost of our altar flowers.
Sponser Flowers by using the sign up sheet on our bulletin board or by contacting Carrie with the date and dedication for your sponsership. Payment may be made through your Realm account or by check.
Submit a dedication at least a week prior to your chosen Sunday to be included in the service bulletin.
Give Online
Click here to make a contribution to St. Andrew’s.
Login to your personal Realm account to give or check your giving history.
Use the Connect app to access your Realm account and manage your giving and make contributions anytime, anywhere—available in the App Store and Google Play
Not yet a Realm member? create a personal account to give and manage your giving.
Contributions can be made with credit or debit cards or transferred from a checking or savings account. Electronic gifts are added to your giving record, making your contributions easy to track. Realm accounts are open only to members of the St. Andrew’s community so your data and personal information are protected.
Email our Office Manager or call 713-861-5596 to request an invitation to create a Realm account.
After you receive your email invitation, create your login, and activate your account, click My Profile to review or update your personal information.
Click Giving, then select Manage Payment Methods to choose how you wish to contribute (credit, debit, savings or checking) and how often.
If you have questions, contact our Office Manager.
Make Automatic Payments by Check
Contact your financial institution to set up a one-time payment or recurring payments in any amount and choose the frequency of payments and the date(s) when payments will be made. Payments can be changed or stopped at any time. Checks from your account will be mailed directly to St. Andrew’s and will be counted with our weekly collection.
Support St. Andrew's When You Shop
Kroger Community Rewards
It's easy when you enroll in Kroger Community Rewards®! To get started, sign up with your Kroger Plus Card and select St. Andrew's Episcopal Church as the organization you choose to support. Enroll online or in store--use our organization number ED894 or choose St. Andrew's Episcopal Church from the list of organizations. Your purchases won't help St. Andrew's until you register, so sign up today!