Assisting with Worship
With a range of perspectives, personalities and interests, we are connected by our common commitment to Christ.
Acolytes, youth and adult, assist in various ways during worship. Training is provided. Contact Rev. Jimmy Grace if you are interested in participating in this ministry
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild prepares the church for all worship services and maintains the vestments and altar wares. Through this ministry of beauty and service, individuals work in teams and serve one week per month. Teams meet on Saturday morning (during their service week) to set up the altar for the Sunday services, check the chapel and handle needs for any services during their assigned week. Training is provided. Contact Nancy Simpson if you are interested in participating in this ministry.
Alms Counters
A team of volunteers count the offering that is collected each Sunday. Counters work in pairs and typically serve once every 4-6 weeks. Training is provided. Contact Robin Page if you are interested in participating in this ministry.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs)
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) assist clergy by administering Eucharist at various church services. A LEM must be a confirmed member of the parish and licensed by the Bishop following special training. Contact Rev. Jimmy Grace if you are interested in participating in this ministry.
Lay Readers
Lay Readers read the lessons, Psalms and prayers of the people during worship. Training is provided. Contact Rev. Jimmy Grace if you are interested in participating in this ministry.
Ushers serve one Sunday per month during regular worship and assist at special events throughout the year. Responsibilities include greeting all who enter the church, distributing service bulletins, helping locate name badges and collecting the offering. In addition, ushers assist those with special needs, ensure that seating is available for all in attendance and check that the church has a clean appearance for the next service. Training is provided. Contact Elizabeth Dennis if you are interested in participating in this ministry.