Sunday, March 23, 2025
/The Third Sunday of Lent
Exodus 3:1-15 Psalm 63: 1-8; 1 Corinthians 10: 1-13; Luke 13: 1-9
The Rev. James M.L. Grace
In the Name of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. AMEN.
It was holy ground; a deeply spiritual place, a thin place where heaven and earth seemed to intersect. It was in the Sinai desert, a place Moses ended up after fleeing Egypt. He fled Egypt because he was a felon, a murderer, having recently killed an Egyptian official. It is on this holy ground where we meet Moses today, at the base of a bush which seems to burn without consuming itself, and from which God speaks.
Moses is told to remove his shoes, because he is standing on holy ground. The ground is holy because it is a place of theophany – a place where Moses meets God. Moses is having the quintessential “burning bush” moment – a moment where his life will forever change. I often hear from people how they wish God would speak to them in such obvious ways. I believe God does, and have experienced it myself.
Twenty-seven years ago I had an experience I still don’t understand, and cannot adequately explain. I was working in downtown Houston, having recently graduated from college. One afternoon, I was walking through the tunnel system which connects all the office buildings together, and all of a sudden I was overcome with an overwhelming feeling that the job where I was working was not where I was supposed to be. A wave of emotion spilled over me, and I believe I heard God’s voice – somehow – redirecting me from work downtown to vocation as a priest. It still doesn’t make sense to me today, but it was an obvious spiritual experience – one that I heeded, and here I am today as a result.
But that’s not the only one – there have been so many others. The point is that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. We are hardwired for the spiritual experience. Sadly, and with a bit of irony, churches can be the last place where anybody has a spiritual experience. For every conversation I have had with a person who says “I had an amazing spiritual experience at church and feel drawn closer to God” I have at least twenty conversations with people who tell me they have no interest in returning to church because they found churches to be places of hypocrisy, condescension, arrogance, and intimidation. What’s spiritual about any of that?
This is not a sermon about how or why churches can be bereft of the spiritual experience. It is rather, a sermon, to remind us that we cannot expect a weekly recitation of a Sunday liturgy to rocket us into the next spiritual dimension. It’s simply not enough. Being here today – is not enough.
While many of us know that, how many of us actually believe it? And look, I’m the pot calling the kettle black here. I’ve been a priest for almost twenty years and I still have days when I am working next door at St. Andrew’s House, and the thought still comes to my mind, “Jimmy you’ve got too much to do – a sermon to write, a class to prepare, meetings with parishioners and staff, hospital visits – you don’t have time to pray, read scripture, or meditate.” Do you know how easy it is for me to believe the garbage in my own head? Sometimes the space between my ears can be a dangerous place to be.
That’s why I love today’s collect: “God, you know that we have no power in ourselves to help ourselves. Keep us outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our souls, that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul.” We can’t create a spiritual experience for ourselves. We are powerless to do that. But if we humble ourselves, humble ourselves to the point of becoming really uncomfortable, we will discover there are spiritual experiences all around us. AMEN.