Community Outreach: Following God into the Community
Contact for volunteer information
Heights Interfaith Ministries Food Pantry
St. Andrew’s supports the HIM Food Pantry financially as a church member and helps by providing volunteers for various Pantry needs. The Pantry is located at 3523 Beauchamp, next door to Travis Elementary School. Teens and adults are welcome to assist. No prior training is required, but it is important to sign up to reserve your volunteer shift. If you are unable to volunteer, but would like to support the Pantry, you can make monetary donations or give non-perishable food items. Give online, drop your food donations in the bin located in the Oak Table Room, or purchase items from the Pantry’s Amazon Wish List. Sign up to serve here, or contact Laurie Hardwick if you are interested in participating in this ministry.
St. Andrew's Hook and Needle Guild
Modeling the compassion of Christ with the works of our hands and the giving of our hearts.
Formerly the Black Hat group, we have expanded to work on a variety of projects to help those in need. We every 4th Saturday at 9:30 AM in the Parish Hall to learn or improve skills in crochet, knitting and other fabric crafts. We continue to make hats and warmers for the Christmas seafarers’ boxes, and other charity projects include Project Linus and caps for newborn and premature babies. Contact Priscilla Burroughs if you are interested in participating in this ministry.
Houston International Seafarers' Center
St. Andrew’s supports the Houston International Seafarers’ Center by filling boxes with toiletries and other small treats for those who dock at the Houston Ship Channel during the Christmas season. Each year the ministers at the Houston International Seafarers' Center distribute close to 5,000 of these boxes to our brothers and sisters who work the cargo ships that enter into the Port of Houston.
Meals on Wheels Training for Heights Area Delivery
Would you like to help serve senior citizens in the Heights area by delivering hot meals and a smile? Then join us for volunteer training and start serving! You can serve as often as you like and online sign-up is easy after training. Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston will hold its Meals on Wheels training for the Heights routes at the Midtown offices. If you would like to attend please start by completing the Volunteer Application. Please bring a drivers license, proof of auto insurance, and $9 for a background check to the training. If you have any questions, please contact Ros Moore, volunteer coordinator or check out the Meals on Wheels website. It is filled with helpful information.
Memorial Assistance Ministries (MAM)
Memorial Assistance Ministries (MAM) provides a range of services to create financially stable families, a stronger workforce and a healthy, supportive community. There are numerous ways to contribute your time and talent to help deliver MAM's diverse offerings. Individuals and groups of all ages can serve during the day, evenings and on weekends. Visit MAM’s website to learn more and sign up to serve.
Lord of the Streets (LOTS)
St. Andrew’s is a proud and active supporter of the Lord of the Streets (LOTS) Episcopal Church and mission, located in midtown Houston. Some of those served by LOTS have jobs. Some have housing. Some are sleeping on the couch or floor of a friend or relative. Many are still living on the streets, in abandoned buildings, or in their cars. More than 400 people come to LOTS every weekday for assistance, a meal or for spiritual support. Volunteers are needed to help support LOTS various weekday programs that include meal service, showers, a clothing pantry, mail service and medical, vision and mental health programs. In addition to these critical support services, LOTS is also a church and ministers to approximately 125 worshippers who a Sunday morning Eucharist at Trinity Episcopal Church, followed by a hot breakfast. St. Andrew’s helps cook and serve breakfast quarterly and volunteers, age 13 and older, are needed for this wonderful opportunity to engage with our brothers and sisters in need. If you are interested in volunteering to help at the Sunday service (or at any other time during the week), contact LOTS outreach coordinator Joel Ballard or the St. Andrews Church office.
Operation FINALLY HOME is a national, non-profit organization with a unique network of experienced builders, suppliers, and supporters dedicated to building homes for wounded, ill or injured veterans, surviving spouses and their families. Operation FINALLY HOME brings together home builders, the military and communities to build custom, mortgage-free homes for America's military heroes and the widows of the fallen, those who have worn America's uniform and sacrificed so much to defend our freedoms and values, providing a strong foundation to help them move forward with their lives. We are proud to support this great organization with monetary donations.