July: Grateful For All That You Have Brought To My Journey & Ministry
June 16 marked the third anniversary of my ordination to the Holy Order of Deacons. After a summer hiatus from studies and other preparation, I began my first assignment as Deacon at St. Andrew's in the Heights, where you have honored me by sharing your spiritual journeys, your joys and sorrows, holy moments, stories and fun. It has been such a pleasure and gift to see some of you come into the Christian fellowship for the first time, to become an active participant in this parish, to marry, have children, and to bring your children for baptism. We have weathered storms and celebrated special events together. I found here a community of caring and generous people, eager to learn and bear witness to the Christ they worship.
We have also experienced many changes together in this brief period, and now it is time for another. July 5 will be my last Sunday to worship with you. I hope my presence among you has been helpful for some, and if it has caused pain or doubt for others, I seek your forgiveness. I will be assigned to another parish to continue my own journey and ministry. My destination is undetermined at this writing, but I fully trust God's wisdom, which surprised me in the first place with a call to ordained ministry late in life, and which has guided and equipped me all along the way. I continue to pray for you as I have preached: that you grow in love for one another and that you are transformed through incarnational service among your neighbors. Not only my cup, but my saucer, is overflowing with all that you have brought to my journey and my ministry and you will forever have a special place in my heart.