October: What IS Common Mission?
For the past several months a small team of parishioners has been about learning, defining, exploring and praying about Common Mission. Many of you joined them in getting to better know your fellow parishioners. A few more of you feel called to become part of the effort. So just what IS Common Mission?
Common Mission is what we do as being church, with a local focus. The team has defined COMMUNITY as being the Greater Heights, the physical place where St. Andrew's is planted. Our Christian mission, as we understand it, is to be Christ in relationship with all whom we meet. Therefore, our Common Mission is building relationships among ourselves then outward through the community.
In this way, we expect to be better able to discern and understand the real need and how others think the Church should be paying attention to that need. In building relationships with people and institutions throughout the community, we may collaborate to better steward resources, bring hope, diminish hunger, foster health, and seek justice for those who have no voice or whose voices are not heard in public policy. In other words, we just might act like followers of Christ.
All this is based in Scripture. Moses shared his leadership with Aaron, with representatives from the 12 tribes, and with Joshua. (Exodus) Each of us has a role in the kingdom. Our iron rule: Never do for anyone what he or she can do for themselves. (I Corinthians) Jesus sent his disciples into the communities to tend to those in need and proclaim the good news. (Matthew 10)
One congregation alone cannot do this, and many of the congregations near us are very small. Yet, if all the children of God in this area worked together, prayed for each other, shared ideas and resources, the Kingdom of God on earth in the Heights could be a marvelous thing to behold. The Team has discussed many possibilities and approaches. (Check the Outreach page for details.) We ask for your prayers, your inquiries, your offerings of self and your support. God's power can work in us to bring about greater things than we can ask or imagine. (BCP)
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