February: Seek Appropriate Social Justice
St. Andrew's parish is known for, among other things, its loving heart for outreach. Every time the deacon has brought a need to your attention, you have responded generously. I pray you will continue to show gratitude for abundance and love for neighbors in need and that some more of you will join me in taking a larger leap of faith to build relationships with those with whom we have been sharing. One opportunity will be serving breakfast to parishioners of Lord of the Streets Church. You will see more about this very soon. Another opportunity is to work with the Common Mission Team (CMT) to step into the street to look at underlying causes for the disparity in abundance/deficit and, as God's people, seek appropriate social justice.
One event in which the CMT will build community relationships and collaborate with neighboring congregations will take place on March 15. Beginning at 7:30 am, we will have a presence on the esplanade in front of the church to bless the soles of runner and walkers who come by every Sunday. If you would like to be a part of this reaching out, please contact any CMT member or me. The team includes Steve and Catherine Runner, Thad Pugh and Megan Parks.