I offer heartfelt thanks for the many expressions of caring and condolence from you these past weeks. My father, Kirk Suddreath, lived long and, by his summation, a good life. He was a smart, moral, kind and industrious gentleman and he is greatly missed by his family and friends.
Just as the outdoor temperature is heating up, so is the Parish Outreach Activity. Collaboration with Houston Area Community Services (HACS) continues with their health van stopping out front once a month to offer services to lunch recipients. They are also counting on us to help them furnish living space for 135 formerly homeless persons. HIM Food Pantry celebrates five years on July 26 with a big event at the pavilion, which will includelots of food giveaways, music, and fellowship. The knitting elves have been busy changing skeins of yarn into winter caps so we will be prepared when those temps decide to drop again. The sack lunch committee is faithfully providing lunches and could use more donors. (See the sign-up sheets in the rear hallway.).
Another means of outreach is emerging in the parish called Common Mission. The Bishop has asked the deacons to introduce parishes to different ways of being church outside the church buildings. Here at St. Andrew’s a small core team has met, received initial training, and is hosting an event on July 16 to learn more about the heart of both new and longtime members. From this we may discern ways and means to carry out our Christian Commission to be as Christ in all the world – with focus on the real needs of the place in which we are presently planted. This is exciting stuff, and I am excited to bring this to a parish community that is so obviously on fire.
Check out the invitation in this issue and let the team know if you are interested in participating. Here’s hoping your summer weeks include some time for counting blades of grass and stars in the sky, mercies as you may travel, cool drinks and warm-hearted friends.
Portia Sweet, Deacon