Return a Pledge Card and Return the Blessings

Give as We Have Been Given To

Author: Jerry Gallagher

November will mark the finish of our Annual Giving Campaign, and we are excited about a celebration of it and our opportunities for St. Andrew’s! Each year this is a major effort to ‘Steward’ our gifts from God and to return those blessings back to His church and to the ministry of our people. For the past six weeks, we have had the time to reflect back on our blessings and to take some time to Ponder and Pray. 

Ask the question: “What do I do?” Making a pledge should make you feel good and smile...if not ... is it enough or ... is it too much? Why aren’t you smiling? 

You’re giving blessings, you’re stewarding God’s gifts so you should be happy and fulfilled. See you on November 9 for Commitment Sunday! Remember you can mail your pledge card or place it in the offering plate. If you did not receive a pledge card in the please contact the church office at 713-861-5596 or visit to download a pledge card.