Sack Lunch Program Needs You!

A committee was formed  in mid August to facilitate the parish Sack Lunch Program. Pat Caver, Pat Gentry, Rex Hall, Elaine Massey and Jere Pfister agreed to work  together to  make the program a church-wide effort. Michelle Hitt is also considered part of the committee because of her family’s extraordinary efforts each month in seeing the sacks are placed in the kitchen at St. Andrew’s House for distribution.

What can you do???

We need church members to continue to sign up and bring the needed products to fill the sacks. Once your  items  are  placed in the Parish Hall kitchen, please put a check mark by your name to let us know your items have been delivered. Items for sack lunches are still due by the first Sunday each month. You may get a phone call from time to time requesting  desperate help (not enough folks signed up to bring items) or simply to thank you for your dedication to the cause!

Hope you have had a great summer and that you will continue your support of this worthy outreach endeavor. Monetary donations are still welcome—simply write sack lunches in the memo line of your check and place in the collection plate on Sunday—or direct your  cash donation to one of the committee members.