Every life journey is unique. Each of our stories is worth telling and worth hearing.
In this six-week "listening group" series, we will explore Richard Rohr's book, Falling Upward. Drawing on wisdom from time-honored myths, heroic poems, great thinkers, and sacred religious texts, Rohr illuminates two distinct journeys of life and explores how the heartbreaks, disappointments, and first loves of life are actually stepping stones to the spiritual joys that the second journey has in store for us. Using Rohr's insight as a key to unlock the mysteries of our own journeys, we will seek clarity and healing through sharing our stories and hearing the stories of other participants.
Facilitator Tony Pryor will begin each session by presenting one or more concepts from the book. Participants will pair off to process the opening remarks together. Then Tony will facilitate in interview style while two or three volunteers tell their personal stories as they relate to themes raised in Rohr's book.
The series is free, but registration is required. Learn more and register.
Purchase Falling Upward at Amazon.
About Tony Pryor
St. Andrew's member, Tony Pryor is an experienced speaker, performer, and holistic voice coach, helping people unleash the power of their voices in song and the spoken word by conquering their limitations. He uses singing and story-telling as vehicles for transformation through workshops, classes, and private coaching.