Life Events and Union Blessings

The Celebration & Blessing of a Marriage

Any celebration of marriage taking place at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church must conform to the rules, requirements, and practice of the Episcopal Church. Holy Matrimony is celebrated according to the provisions of the Book of Common Prayer and canon law of the Episcopal Church.

One member of the couple must be a baptized Christian who is an active, attending and pledging member of St. Andrew’s.

If you need more information, please call our church office at 713-861-5596 and speak to the Rector. He will have a preliminary discussion with you and answer questions you may have.

The Liturgy for Witnessing and Blessing of a Lifelong Commitment

At St. Andrew’s all union blessings conform to the liturgy from the Standing Committee on Liturgy and Music, which was approved at the 77th General Convention of the Episcopal Church. The report provided by the Standing Committee and the approved liturgy can be found in the document called “I Will Bless You, and You Will Be a Blessing”, which are resources for same gender union blessings.

One member of the couple must be a baptized Christian who is an active, attending and pledging member of St. Andrew’s.

If you need more information, please call our church office at 713-861-5596 and speak to the Rector. He will have a preliminary discussion with you and answer questions you may have.


Sacramental entry into the Christian community is through the joyous, welcoming service of Baptism. "All persons who have received the Sacrament of Holy Baptism with water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, whether in this (the Episcopal) Church or in another Christian Church, and whose baptism has been recorded in this church, are members thereof." (Canon 17, Section 1) If you have not been baptized and wish to discuss that possibility, please contact the church office.

Baptisms are celebrated on the following days:  the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord (the first Sunday afterEpiphany January 6); the Easter Vigil (Easter Sunday sunrise service); the 2nd Sunday of Easter; the Day of Pentecost; the Sunday before Labor Day; and November 1st or 1st Sunday after All Saints' Day (November 1).

 A Baptism Workshop for the parents, or candidates, and their sponsors or godparents is always the Saturday before from 9-noon in the St. Andrew’s House.

2015 Baptism Dates

January 11
April 4 & 5
May 24
September 6
November 1


 January 10
March 27
April 3
May 15
September 4
November 6

Please advise the office if you have a candidate for baptism. If you need more information, please call our church office at 713-861-5596 and speak to the Rector. He will have a preliminary discussion with you and answer questions you may have.