Our Worship Schedule
5: 30 PM - Contemporary Service, In-Person Service
8:30 AM - Holy Eucharist: Rite I, In-Person Service
9:30 AM - Education Hour
10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist: Rite II, In-Person Service and via YouTube stream
Coffee Time follows our 8:30 and 10:30 AM services
2:30 PM - Rhythms of Grace, In-Person Service and via YouTube stream
St. Andrew's Nursery is available from 8:15 AM until 12:15 PM every Sunday for children, from infancy through three years old, and is located on the first floor just beyond the Oak Table Room. Our professional caregivers provide a safe and caring environment to nurture our youngest children, have been trained in safe ministry practices, and passed reference and background checks.
Access live stream services at https://www.youtube.com/@standrewsepiscopalheights.
Follow along with the Order of Service for each day’s worship.
Visit our Events page to learn more about offerings and special events.
Altar Flowers
Honor loved ones and special occasions with altar flowers.
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Check our most recent sermons with the accompanying readings.
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Prayer Requests
Submit your prayer or pray for the intentions of others.
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